Hearing on the Right to Know at the Council of Europe

Hearing on the Right to Know at the Council of Europe

The agenda of the meeting to be held by videoconference, on Monday, 12 April 2021, from 9.30 am to 12 pm of the Committee on Culture, Education, Science and Media of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe provides for the first reading of the draft resolution entitled “Media freedom, public trust and the right to knowledge” introduced by Sen. Roberto Rampi, General Rapporteur. The draft has been promoted by different organizations, including the Nonviolent Radical Party Transnational Transparty.

The sitting includes a hearing with Mr. Gianni Betto, media expert and former director of Centro d’Ascolto per l’Informazione Radiotelevisiva (Italy); Mrs. Antonella Agnoli (Italy), writer and libraries expert; professor Mark O’Neill (UK), museums expert. It will be possible to follow the sitting of the committee in streaming through the website of Radio Radicale.

The hearing follows a previous one held on December 3 where prof. Claudio Radaelli, Ezechia Paolo Reale and Laura Harth were heard. The second reading and adoption of the draft resolution is scheduled for the month of June. It will then be examined and adopted by the Assembly in the autumn session.

Matteo Angioli
Secretary General of the Global Committee for the Rule of Law “Marco Pannella”

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