Italian Parliament adopts a resolution for democracy in Cambodia

Italian Parliament adopts a resolution for democracy in Cambodia

On 12 February the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies of Italy adopted a resolution on Cambodia asking the government to invite all the parties to resume the democratic path as indicated by the 1991 Paris Accords signed under the auspices of the UN and to take part in the debate on the suspension of the European scheme known as Everything But Arms (EBA) establishing preferential access of Cambodia to the European market.

From his Facebook page, Sam Rainsy welcomed that a European State like Italy has shown an interest in Cambodia and in the democratic future which will also be determined by the role that the main opposition party, the CNRP, can and must play. The move by the Italian Parliament in favor of Cambodia cames as a result of a visit to Italy by a delegation of CNRP led by Sam Rainsy in October 2018. The delegation participated in a hearing at the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies attended by Sen. Roberto Rampi and Matteo Angioli, member of the board of the Nonviolent Radical Party.

Matteo Angioli

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