
Art. 1 – With the aim of promoting the spirit and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and, as confirmed in the Treaties of various regional organizations, “to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom”, Giulio Maria Terzi di Sant’Agata, Matteo Angioli and Marco Pannella establish a Committee denominated “Global Committee for the Rule of Law” (GCRL) composed of Members of Parliament, mayors and citizens to pursue the global transition to the Rule of Law.

Art. 2 – The Committee aims at the adoption of a policy for the transition to the Rule of Law, starting with the promotion of a new human right to know, by the General Assembly of the United Nations, through an initiative led by the highest authorities of the Italian Republic. The Committee will ensure the promotion and organization of initiatives as well as the collection of funds required to achieve the aim.

Art. 3 – The Committee is based in Rome, Via di Torre Argentina 76, in the office of the Nonviolent Radical Party transnational and transparty, a non-governmental organization (NGO) with General Category consultative status in the Economic and Social Council (Ecosoc) of the United Nations. The GCRL may establish branches and undertake all economic and financial activities deemed useful to the achievement of the purpose. The GCRL will meet as necessary, upon convocation by the President through an email containing the agenda for the meeting with at least seven days notice; for urgent matters, notice may be reduced to twenty-four hours.

Art. 4 – The budget is approved by the annual Assembly. It is convened by the President through an email containing the agenda for the meeting with at least seven days notice.

Art. 5 – The Committee will last until the achievement of its purpose and the fulfillment of all accounting operations. It shall be automatically dissolved with the approval of the final budget. It can, however, dissolve in advance should the impossibility to achieve the purpose be demonstrated. The Committee may extend the duration of its activities, after prior approval, to organize further initiatives promoting the universal affirmation of the Rule of Law.

Art. 6 – The aim of the Committee is non-lucrative.

Art. 7 – The above-mentioned promoters of the Committee elect Giulio Maria Terzi di Sant’Agata Chairman of the GCRL, Matteo Angioli Secretary General and Marco Pannella Honorary President. The President and the General Secretary shall remain in office until the dissolution of the Committee. In case of resignation, promoters will hold new elections within 15 days of resignation. The President represents the Committee in front of third parties and in court, with all the powers, without exception, deriving from such legal representation. The Secretary General shall enforce the Committee’s decisions and shall manage the relations with public and private entities as well as third parties in general.

Art. 8 – The Committee is open to any members, physical or legal, who apply after accepting the present Charter, and upon approval by a majority of the promoters.

Art. 9 – The Committee shall enjoy full autonomy and n order to fulfill its purposes, as no previously established financing plan has been adopted, shall use funds derived from contributions and/or donations from the very members and third parties. The President, in agreement with the promoters, may also conclude promo-advertising agreements in the name and on behalf of the Committee itself. The Committee has the faculty to set up an honorary committee comprising personalities or organizations that contribute to the achievement of its objectives.

Art. 10 – The collection, management, use of contributions and amounts collected is entrusted to the Secretary General of the Committee, who enjoys the largest degree of autonomy in negotiating in name and on behalf of the Committee, including the power to open and access the Committee’s acocunts held at financial institutions of his choice.

Art. 11 – The annual budget prepared by the Secretary General shall be approved by the Committee before April 30th of each year, upon convocation by the President.

Art. 12 – The Charter can be amended by 2/3 of the members of the Committee.

Art. 13 – For all matters not specifically provided for herein, reference is made to the applicable legal rules.