

Giulio Terzi di Sant’Agata was born on 9 June 1946 in Bergamo, Italy. He graduated in Law and specialized in International Law at the University of Milan. He joined Italy’s diplomatic service in 1973 and went on to became a Member of the Italian Senate in 2022.

After his appointments to Paris, Ottawa, Vancouver, and NATO (Brussels), Giulio Terzi was appointed Ambassador to Israel (2002-2004), Deputy Secretary General, Director General for Multilateral Political Affairs and Political Director of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (2004-2008), Permanent Representative at the United Nations in New York (2008-2009), Ambassador to the United States (2009-2011). From November 2011 until March 2013 Terzi was Minister of Foreign Affairs.

As Ambassador of Italy to Israel he endeavoured to strengthen the bilateral relations and ties between Israel and Italy, within the European Union framework, in an especially demanding context marked by the outbreak of the Second Intifada. The Italian Presidency of the EU in 2003 presented the right opportunity to work in that direction as several important decisions on security issues and the peace process were made. They included the blacklisting of Hamas as a terrorist organization and the role of the EU in promoting the “road map” towards a Two-State solution.

Transatlantic relations, international security, crises management, peacekeeping operations, protection and promotion of the rule of law, democracy and the universality of human rights have been his main focus for which Terzi has been writing extensively for Italian and international magazines, newspapers, blogs and social media.

Since March 2016 Giulio Terzi is President of the Global Committee for the Rule of Law “Marco Pannella” for the promotion of the rule of law and the right to know. On 25th September 2022 he run at the Italian general elections with the Brothers of Italy party in his constituency Bergamo-Brescia in Northern Italy. He was elected to the Senate of the Italian Republic where he has become Chairman of the Committee on EU Policies and member of the Extraordinary Committee for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights, and the Extraordinary Committee against intolerance, racism, anti-Semitism and incitement to hatred and violence.