Michel Korinman

Michel Korinman was born on May 2, 1946 in Bordeaux, France. He is Professor Emeritus of Geopolitics at the University of Paris-Sorbonne, Paris IV. Director of the European Review “Outre-Terre“, geopolitical magazine. President of the European Academy of Geopolitics (Paris). Author of “When Germany thought the world” (Paris, Fayard, 1989) and “Deutschland über alles” 1890-1945” (Paris, Fayard, 2000).

Founder and former director of “Limes” Italian magazine of geopolitics from 1993 until 2000. Director of the Daedalos Institute of Geopolitics, an organization founded by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Cyprus (2006-2007). Director of “Geopolitical Affairs” (London, Frank Cass, 2007-2008). Professor Korinman holds a weekly conference “The Tuesday of Geopolitics” in Paris.