Roberto Rampi

Roberto Rampi was born in 1977 in Merate, Milan. Roberto graduated in Theoretical Philosophy at the State University of Milan with a thesis on Umberto Eco. Afterwards he worked in a number of companies to enhance cultural assets and activities, including projects with singers Roberto Vecchioni, Eugenio Finardi and other artists. He got involved in politics at an early stage as a councilor in the municipality of Vimercate. Aged 28, he became Deputy Mayor with responsibilities for culture, participation and the youth.

He moved on becoming province secretary of Monza and Brianza of the Democratic of Left which led to the establishment of the Democratic Party. For four years he served as a member of the board of the Democratic Party for the Lombardy region. In 2013 he became Member of the Chamber of Deputies for the Monza and Brianza constituency and he was elected again in 2018 as a Member of the Senate for the same constituency.

A firm believer in human and civil rights, he supports legalization of cannabis, euthanasia and the promotion of the rule of law across the world. As Senator he has been national spokesperson for culture of the Democratic Party and a full member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) where he sits as Vice President of the Commission for Culture, Science, Education and Media. At PACE he was elected Secretary of the Italian delegation and General Rapporteur on “Media freedom, public trust and the Right to Know” a report adopted on 22 June 2021 by the plenary.