André Gattolin

André Gattolin

André Gattolin was born on 24 june 1960 in Bourgoin-Jallieu, Isère, France. Journalist and Senator for Hauts-de-Seine elected with Europe Ecology–The Greens in 2011, he served as Vice-chair of the Senate Finance Committee. In 2017 André Gattolin was re-elected with La République En Marche for one more term, until 2022, and he served as Vice Chairman of the Committee for Foreign Affairs and European Affairs.

André Gattolin is specialist in information sciences and communication, and a teacher in journalism and political communication at the University of Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle. Between 1985 and 1995, he directed political departments of various polling institutes, including the Gallup Institute, where he was responsible for the coordination of Eurobarometer surveys. In 1988, André Gattolin was Director of Political Studies at the Institute Consumer Science & Analytics (CSA). From 1996 until 2006, he was marketing director of the newspaper Libération.

His political activity began in the early 1980s with the engagement in three main organizations: Friends of the Earth International, the European Federalist Movement and the Radical Party founded by Marco Pannella, which he became federal Secretary of in 1989 as the party turned into the Transnational Radical Party. In 1998, he organized and coordinated Daniel Cohn-Bendit’s campaign for the European elections.

André Gattolin is very active in the promotion of human rights and the rule of law. During his tenure as Senator, Gattolin has worked on a number of dossier including the rights of Tibetans, Uyghurs, Hong-Kongers, Taiwanese and the South-East Asia region. André Gattolin has a strong interest in the Chinese activities to influence foreign countries in particular as far as the academic sphere is concerned. André Gattolin a has also a strong interest in the Artic and Greenland.