

Giulio Terzi speaking in the Senate
Statement by Sen. Giulio Terzi in solidarity with IPAC members affected by cyberattacks

On March 25th, the authorities of the United States, the United Kingdom and New Zealand openly accus…

Italian Senate
Proposal for a EU directive to counter “lobbying” activities by third country entities

On Wednesday 28th March the Committee on European Union policies of the Italian Senate, which I have…

Giulio Terzi in the Senate
Giulio Terzi addresses Italian Senate on the war in Ukraine

On Tuesday 19th March, Senator Giulio Terzi took the floor in the plenary of the Italian Senate duri…

Statement of Giulio Terzi on the 65th Anniversary of Tibetan National Uprising Day

On the 65th Tibetan National Uprising Day, it is vital to remember the crimes that took place and ar…

Conference on Chinese academic influences economic imbalances

On 6th March experts on China gathered in a conference in the Italian Senate to discuss “Italy…

Oleg Orlov condemned
The totalitarian regime of Putin jails Oleg Orlov

The two-and-a-half-year sentence ordered today by the Golovinsky District Court of Moscow against 70…

Terzi Jaishankar talk
Giulio Terzi at the Raisina Dialogue

During his visit to New Delhi, India, to participate in the Raisina Dialogue, on 22 February Senator…

Conference Italy, Europe, China: academic influences and economic imbalances Wednesday, 6th March, 5…

Ezechia Paolo Reale passes away

It is with deep sorrow that we announce that on January 2nd Ezechia Paolo Reale passed away. A lawye…

In ricordo di Paolo Reale

Con profondo dolore dobbiamo annunciare che il 2 gennaio ci ha lasciati Ezechia Paolo Reale, avvocat…

Revisiting China: One Year After the White Paper Movement

This is an article by Jianli Yang for The Diplomat One year ago, the people of China staged massive …

The Rome Jerusalem Summit on global antisemitism

The first-ever Summit on Antisemitism was held today at the Italian Senate on 23rd November in a joi…

Iran executes 500 anti ayatollah rebels and still West looks away

It has been almost a year since Iran’s anti-government uprising. Scenes of young Iranians, women, an…

Once-silenced Uyghur leader finally speaks to the Italian Senate

The President of the World Uyghur Congress, Dolkun Isa, was back in Rome, where a China-led initiati…

The Metamorphosis of Chinese Public Health into a Political Disaster

The recent “Blank Page” movement forced the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to adjust their Covid prev…

Vietnamese writer and human rights defender Võ Văn Ái has passed away

Dear friends, I am so sad to announce that Võ Văn Ái, human rights defender, poet and President of t…

In ricordo di Franco Frattini

Il 24 dicembre scorso è deceduto improvvisamente Franco Frattini, Presidente del Consiglio di Stato,…

Taiwan injects momentum into the global transition to net-zero emissions

Remarks by Chang Tzi-chin, Minister of the Environmental Protection Administration Republic of China…

La tutela delle iraniane nella giurisdizione universale

Intervento del Presidente del Comitato scientifico del Global Committee for the Rule of Law “M…

La (innocua?) richiesta di dimissioni a Putin

I deputati del Consiglio comunale del Comune di Smolninskoye a San Pietroburgo hanno approvato, lune…

UN Report on China points to crimes against humanity

So the UN Report on the oppression of the Uyghur people in China is finally out. Naturally the Chine…

Beijing’s Genocide In Tibet

At last the world is waking up to the horrors inflicted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Waking…

“Gorbaciov, l’agente del bene”: l’analisi di Elena Kostioukovitch su La Stampa

Per chi ha osservato Gorbaciov dall’inizio della sua ascesa fino ai vertici della piramide gov…

Policy Paper: the Right to Know

The School of Transnational Governance of the European Univerdsity Institute has published today a P…

Perché diciamo no all’accordo Iran-Belgio sui detenuti. Scrivono Terzi e Angioli

Quale influenza democratica, quale giustizia e quale deterrenza eserciteremmo rispetto ad autocrati …

Diritto alla conoscenza. Il Senato batte un colpo (nel nome di Pannella)

Nei giorni scorsi la Commissione per la Tutela dei Diritti Umani ha adottato una risoluzione di indi…

Senate Human Rights Commission adopts the Right to Know

On 22 June the Human Rights Commission Italian Senate adopted a resolution urging the Italian govern…

Rome Declaration For The Right To Know

The first Assembly of the Global Committee for the Rule of Law “Marco Pannella”, held in…



Troubling evidence of CCP influence activities in Italian politics

  Hijacking the Mainstream: CCP influence agencies and their operations in Italian parliamentar…

Safeguard women’s rights and create humanitarian corridors for Afghanistan

Safeguard women’s rights and create humanitarian corridors for Afghanistan. Appeal to the Euro…

Council of Europe adopts a wide “Right to Know”

The Assembly urged European governments to create a broad “right to know” – consisting of maximum tr…

GCRL and TAHR announce partnership to strengthen the rule of law

Today the Taiwan Association for Human Rights (TAHR) and the Global Committee for the Rule of Law &#…

Joint letter to UN High Commissioner on the situation in China

On 12 May a group of 36 organizations for human rights including the Global Committee for the Rule o…

Report on the Right to Know to be adopted in May

3 May is World Press Freedom Day and as UNESCO puts it, “3 May acts as a reminder to governmen…

April 2021

Dear friend, Here’s our monthly recap for you. Let’s start with a date: 12th of April. That&#8…

Hearing on the Right to Know at the Council of Europe

The agenda of the meeting to be held by videoconference, on Monday, 12 April 2021, from 9.30 am to 1…

Online round-table: “Targeted sanctions: a tool to safeguard human rights”

  The Open Dialogue Foundation, the Italian Federation for Human Rights, the Crimean Tatar Reso…

Uyghur genocide motion tabled in the Italian Foreign Affairs Committee

Following the sanctions imposed on ten European individuals and four European entities, including a …

Without Public Debate Democracy Crumbles

It sometimes feels as though our democracy is broken, and I wonder if it is our own fault. We have t…


We publish a statement by the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) on the sanctions announce…

Outcome Roundtable “Recalibrating Multilateralism – Countering the Threat within”

On February 25th, 2021, the Global Committee for the Rule of Law “Marco Pannella” in cooperation wit…

Report of the hearing on the Right to Know

The report and minutes of the hearing held online on 3 December 2020 at the Commission on culture, s…

Roundtable: Recalibrating Multilateralism – Countering the Threat within

Global Committee for the Rule of Law “Marco Pannella” in cooperation with Taipei Represe…

The green transition needs a democratic transition first

From April 1968, the issue of the limits of economic growth has been brought to the international at…

Coup d’état in Myanmar

As a new Parliament was about to set in, Myanmar’s military has seized power and declared a state of…

New demonstration at the Cracow Regional Court

On 12 January a fresh demonstration called by members of the judiciary took place in Cracow, heartla…

Appeal for the recognition of the Right to Know

On the occasion of Martin Luther King’s birth date on January 15, 2021, a coalition of organizations…

Joint CSO Appeal on EU-China CAI

Civil Society Organisations call for stronger human rights safeguards in EU-China Comprehensive Agre…

Statement by Prof. Luciano Floridi in support of the Right to Know

I am truly delighted to be here with you today to support the Right to Know initiative. As a philoso…

Laura Harth’s testimony to Parliament on the pandemic

“In the resolution adopted last May by the World Health Assembly (WHO) on the response to the …

Giulio Terzi: “Human rights the cornerstone of the West”

“Once again the United States have shown that its Constitution is their cornerstone. The prove…

Conversation with Carles Puigdemont on parliamentary immunity

On 9 December, Carles Puigdemont, MEP and former President of Catalonia, talked online from his resi…

Experts outline Right to Know in Council of Europe hearing

An online hearing on the Right to Know took place on Thursday 3 December at the Culture, Science, Ed…

Council of Europe hearings on the Right to Know

On 3 December, at around 2 pm, a hearing will be held at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council o…

Distinguished statements in support of the Right to Know

We are delighted to receive the extraordinary support from three influential and diverse personaliti…

Statement by Norman Baker in support of the Right to Know

Statement by Norman Baker, former British Home Office Minister, in support of the Radical Party&#821…

Iran: Joint Appeal for Dr Ahmadreza Djalali

JOINT APPEAL FOR DOCTOR AHMADREZA DJALALI The Global Committee for the Rule of Law “Marco Pann…

Cambodia: new trial against the democratic opposition

Phnom Penh, Cambodia – On November 26th, yet another trial is set to start against 140 members…

Event: Political prisoners in Hong Hong, China, Venezuela, Iran and Cambodia


The Value of Freedom: Burning Questions for Hong Kongers

Lecture at the Senate of the Italian Republic By Joshua Wong Rome, November 18, 2020 – Almost …

Solidarity with Hong Kong’s Pan-Democratic Legislators

Joint Declaration: full solidarity with Hong Kong’s Pan-democratic Legislators On November 11,…

US Democracy is alive and kicking

Statement by Giulio Terzi di Sant’Agata and Matteo Angioli, respectively President and Secreta…

Propaganda made in China: Italy at a crossroads

In Italy, China is no longer a mere news item: it directly makes the news. In a sector continuously …

Webinar: “Cambodia and the Murdering of a Democracy”

On 29 October the association Liberi Cittadini (LC) and the Nonviolent Radical Party Transnational T…

We, band of brothers, will not be silenced

US President Reagan said: “Above all, we must realize that no arsenal or no weapon in the arse…

In Myanmar, a voting ban for minorities asserts a regime of Apartheid

A voting ban imposed on about 5% of the population, mostly belonging to ethnic minorities, confirms …

Venezuela Crisis: what Italy and the EU still can and must do

To the President of the European Commission, of the European Parliament and of the European Council,…

No more secret deals with the CCP. We have a right to know

As Hong Kong’s free media is attacked, as social media channels are censored, as activists are…

Remarks of Yang Jianli at UN Watch Press Conference

Friday 9 October, Honorary Member of the Global Committee for the Rule of Law “Marco Pannella&…

Cardinal Zen’s message received loud and clear within Italian parliament

Last week Rome momentarily returned Caput Mundi in the struggle between democracy and human rights o…

“The publicity of documents is one of our basic rights”, Finland’s first Intelligence Ombudsman says

As part of our initiative to promote the people’s right to know, our researcher Lorenzo Domizi…

Interview with former Prosecutor Foss: “The way we prosecute, incarcerate, label and shame has to go”

Adam J. Foss is the founder and executive director of Prosecutor Impact, a non-profit organization w…

Intervista all’ex Procuratore Foss: “Il modo in cui perseguiamo, incarceriamo, etichettiamo e screditiamo le persone deve finire”

Adam J. Foss è il fondatore e direttore esecutivo di Prosecutor Impact, organizzazione no-profit che…

China: the fourth Reich of the new millennium

On June 4th, the 31st anniversary of the massacre of Tiananmen Square, a demonstration of solidarity…

Press conference on the right to know tabled at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

After more than five years of activities conducted mainly in Europe, but with far-reaching implicati…

Judge Mazur: “In Poland the subjugation of the judiciary to the executive is a harsh reality”

On 6 September, Senator Roberto Rampi and Matteo Angioli met judge Dariusz Mazur from the district o…

European Banks Implicated in Cambodia’s Microcredit Scandal

What follows is a piece by Sam Rainsy published by The Brussels Times on 6 July The unfolding microc…


  IPAC releases report on sterilisation of Muslim minorities in China; commits to political act…

Armando Armas: Is Hong Kong the New Tiananmen?

What follow is the English version of an article by Armando Armas, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs C…

Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China launched

The membership of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China has ballooned to over 100 legislators fr…

Embajador Giulio Terzi escribe al Presidente Juan Guaidó

Carta enviada en ocasión del foro: “Venezuela, esperanzas y lecciones. Hacia un nuevo relato d…

L’Ambasciatore Giulio Terzi scrive al Presidente Juan Guaidó

Lettera inviata in occasione del seminario “Venezuela, speranze e lezioni. Verso un nuovo slancio de…

Messaggio di Dolkun Isa nel 31° anniversario del massacro di Tiananmen

Oggi è il 31° anniversario del massacro di Tiananmen. Il 4 giugno non è solo un giorno di lutto per …

Message by Dolkun Isa on the 31th anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre

Today is 31th anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre. 4th June is not only a mourning day for Chinese…

Norman Baker in the Daily Mail on China: we have no choice but to hit back

This is how to battle Beijing: Few understand China’s contempt for our way of life – and…

Italian MPs support an international appeal for Hong Kong

Lord Chris Patten, the last British governor of Hong Kong, has called for a United Nations special e…

International appeal on the “flagrant breach of the Sino-British Joint Declaration”

A cross-party international coalition of 682 parliamentarians and policymakers from 36 countries tod…

Ten years of questions and answers at the House of Commons

In October 2019, the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Extreme Poverty, Philip Alston, made …

The Right to Know officially tabled at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

This morning, the Committee on Culture, Science, Education and Media of the Parliamentary Assembly o…

Peter Bone: “Non è così che funziona la nostra democrazia parlamentare”

Parlando da remoto alla Camera dei Comuni martedì 12 maggio, Peter Bone, deputato conservatore del c…

Peter Bone MP: “This is not how our parliamentary democracy works”

Speaking by remote in the House of Commons on Tuesday 12 May, Peter Bone, conservative MP for Wellin…

The interests of the Chinese Communist Party in Venezuela? Look at the Arco Minero

What follows is a contribution by Armando Armas, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Ve…

COVID19 plot thickens: WHO exactly informed the WHO on December 31st?

While highly sceptic on Beijing’s official narrative and the WHO’s public applauding of the PCC’s ha…

The civilised world?

One of the most alarming, and indeed depressing sights of the last week was that of various unsavour…

Appeal: Right to Know to hold governments and international institutions to account


High time to adopt the Right to Know

The events of the past months make it painstakingly clear how much the lack of a political and civil…

Hong Kong and Taiwan face rising dangers from China

What follows is an article published in The Hill on 24 April by Jianli Yang, honorary member of the …

Comparing Sweden’s Covid19 testing with other countries in Europe

What follow is an intervention by the Honorary member of the Global Committee for the Rule of Law &#…

Full support to Hong Kong’s democracy movement after new wave of arrests

Never before has a health pandemic been so clearly accompanied, and we daresay even provoked, by a s…

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